Years ago, if someone told you that you could get smoother, tighter skin without surgery, you’d have thought they were lying. But thanks to advances in science and technology, there now is a way to tighten skin without going under the knife.
It’s known as Ultherapy, and it’s the only ultrasound treatment approved by the FDA to tighten skin without surgery. There’s no lengthy recovery period needed after Ultherapy. That means that many people go back to their daily routine right away.
That said, there are still a few things you’ll want to do after Ultherapy to help yourself feel more comfortable and to improve your results.
Treat Your Skin Gently
Generally speaking, anything you did to your skin before Ultherapy you’ll be able to do after Ultherapy, with a few caveats. You’ll be able to wash your face and wear make up pretty much right away.
But you might want to hold off on applying strong, irritating ingredients for a few days or until you get the go-ahead from your surgeon. The skin is often red and tender after the treatment. Slathering it in Retin-A or retinols or using an exfoliating facial scrub is likely to increase irritation. For the first few days after treatment, try to use the gentlest products available, such as a creamy facial cleanser and a very light moisturizer.
You can go back to your full beauty and skin care routine as soon as the pink or redness fades and as soon as any tenderness is gone.
Be Careful About Sun Exposure
It’s a good idea to avoid unprotected sun exposure, which includes tanning, for about two weeks after your treatment. Actually, it’s a good idea to limit sun exposure anyway, since the sun’s UV rays can accelerate the skin’s aging process, leading to spots and premature wrinkles.
If you are going to spend time outdoors, be sure to slather on the SPF. Wearing a hat with a wide brim can also provide a bit of extra protection from the sun.
Wait for Results to Appear
Part of the fun of having Ulthera is waiting for the results to appear. Although you’re likely not to see a dramatic or noticeable change right away, plenty of people do notice a subtle improvement in their skin’s laxity and firmness a day or so after treatment.
Otherwise, many patients describe the process of waiting for results to appear as watching the hands of a clock turn backward. It can take as long as four months before the final results from Ultherapy appear. Each day that you wake up, or every week or so, you might glance in the mirror and notice that one area looks a little more toned or a little firmer.
It takes a while for final results to appear after Ultherapy because your body is working to produce more collagen. The ultrasound energy kick-starts the production of collagen, which naturally diminishes with age. As more and more of the protein is produced, the skin has more support and sagging diminishes.
Go About Your Daily Life
One of the best things you can do after Ultherapy is try to go about your daily life as much as possible. You might need to take a day or so off, especially if your doctor gave you pain medication or if you had a local anesthetic during the procedure.
But otherwise it’s best to jump back into the swing of things as soon as you can. There’s no need to avoid work, exercise, or social activities.
Think About Other Ways to Treat the Signs of Aging
You might be so delighted with the results you get from Ultherapy that you decide it’s the only anti-aging treatment you need. Some people might be happy with their results but also turn their attention to the signs of aging that the treatment didn’t correct. For example, you might want a treatment that minimizes certain dark spots or that improves your skin texture. Or, you might want a treatment that will reduce the appearance of certain wrinkles.
While Ultherapy is usually not combined with other treatments, due to the risk for irritation, you might get the go-ahead from your surgeon to consider additional treatments later on.
In that case, you might think about a laser treatment like Fraxel to minimize pore size or fade dark spots. Botox can temporarily minimize the appearance of crow’s feet or those lines between your eyebrows.
No matter what you decide, it’s always a good idea to work with a board certified plastic surgeon. At Mirror Mirror Beauty Boutique, all cosmetic services are performed under the supervision of Dr. Paul Vitenas, a board certified plastic surgeon with more than 30 years of experience. To learn more about Ultherapy and other nonsurgical anti-aging treatments, call 281-810-9083 to schedule a consultation today.